War and Peace, by Portinari | IMG Content – Production Company & Content House in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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War and Peace, by Portinari

When the United Nations sent monumental War and Peace panels back to Brazil for restoration, their return provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Brazilians to get to know this Cândido Portinari masterpiece, on exhibit at the organization’s headquarters in New York.

With the support of audiovisual installations at the exhibition, visitors learn about the history of the panels they are viewing and come to understand the importance of Portinari within the universe of Brazilian and worldwide Modernist art. Created by IMG Content in association with Estúdio Preto e Branco and Expomus, the public enjoyed the following interactive displays:

♦ Timeline with five interactive screens presenting milestones in the painter’s life and works, with pictures, audio and video;

♦ Tag cloud: digital table with the biography of the great artists and thinkers that influenced Portinari throughout his life. The display would later become part of the long-term collection of the Casa de Portinari Museum;

♦ Virtual memory game using Portinari paintings – also present at the Casa de Portinari Museum in Brodowski, São Paulo state.


War and Peace, by Portinari


Client: Projeto Portinari

Agency: Estúdio Preto e Branco